how it works

so how am i a part of helping your business?

you are a business owner that understands the importance of creating relevant and up to date content to grow your band

but you find yourself a little lost with your content, either you lack time or creative ability to come up with the ideas and even execute them.

things you struggle with:
- you don’t have the time to set aside to record your content
- you are unable to find the energy to create ideas on what to record
- the editing process is one of the last things on your to do list and even when you try it doesn’t really hit the spot
- you need support with having someone record the content that needs to be taken aesthetically
- you struggle with keeping consistent because the whole content process is time consuming and daunting to execute on your own

these are the key factors we help with supporting your businesses exposure and community building

not to be confused with a social media manager

this service is for the business owner that knows they need to make an impact and grow their social media by being consistent but doesn’t have the time or capacity to execute it